Friday, May 30, 2008

It hurts again...

It has been a while i didnt write down in this, it hurt again..again..again..i just hate..hate till i dont know when..i dont know when this heart will get the heart need a cure..the true cure..just cannot find it till now..i dont know until when i can hold on this thing..helppp..

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ubat resah hatiku...

Pada suatu hari, seorang lelaki mendatangi seorang sahabat yg bernama Abdullah ibnu Masu’d. Lelaki itu berkata kpd Abdullah ibnu Masu’d: “Wahai ibnu Masu’d, nasihatilah aku dengan sesuatu yang dapat meredakan kegelisahan hatiku. Buat masa ini, jiwaku tidak tenteram, fikiranku kusut, tidurku tidak nyenyak dan seleraku hilang.” Lalu Abdullah ibnu Masu’d menjawab: “Bawalah hatimu mengunjungi tiga tempat.

Pertama - ke tempat orang membaca al-Quran tidak kira sama ada kamu ikut membacanya ataupun kamu sekadar mendengar pembacaan orang lain.

Kedua - kamu menghadiri majlis pengajian yg mengingatkan kamu kepada Allah.

Ketiga - kamu mencari satu waktu yg sunyi, contohnya di waktu malam dan ketika itu kamu bangun melaksanakan ibadat kepada Allah serta memohon kepadaNya agar diberikan ketenangan dan kedamaian hati kepadamu.

Jika selepas melakukan kesemua itu jiwamu masih tidak tenteram, mintalah kepada Allah agar digantikan hatimu dengan hati yang lain kerana hati yang kamu miliki sekarang ini bukan hatimu.” Setelah mendengar nasihat Abdullah ibnu Masu’d, lelaki itu pun kembali ke rumahnya. Beliau terus berwudhu’ dan membaca al-Quran dgn penuh khusyuk. Selesai membaca al-Quran, dia mendapati jiwanya berubah menjadi tenang, fikirannya menjadi jernih dan kegelisahannya hilang sama sekali. ketika itu barulaah dia sedar bahawa ALLAH itu maha mengetahui isi hatinya. wallahua’lam.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ku menunggu

Siti Nurhaliza

Ku begini seperti selalu
Membilang waktu berlalu
Entah berapa lama aku tak sedarinya
Berapa lama harus menunggu

Aku mimpikan suram cahaya
Bertukar cahaya indah
Semoga tiba hari bersinar ruang hati
Menyuluh arah jalan kembali

Ku tunggu angin perubahan
Barat utara timur selatan
Meniti doa malam dan siang
Teranyamnya semula ikatan
Sayang semua (nya) hanyalah mimpi
Kenyataanya langit dan bumi
Aku di sini engkau di sana
Sayup jauh terpisah
Entahkan kerana sayangku
Ataupun kerana sabarku
Ku menunggu
Airmata dan senyuman
Antara mimpi dan harapan
Adakah rindu semilu mengiris kalbu
Yang terlalu menyayangi
Di akhirnya terkorban diri
Menyedari itu aku putuskan
Pasrah segala pada tuhan

Ulang korus

Masih lagi seperti selalu
Membilang waktu berlalu
Semoga tiba hari bersinar ruang hati
menyuluh arah agar kembali

Kembalikan indah...

Siti Nurhaliza

Setitis air mata
Gugur ke bumi
Menjadi lautan kaca
Harus ku renangi
Dimana kau menghilang
Kasihku rindu
Biar apapun menghalang
Janganlah kau membisu
Inikah cinta menghiris jiwa
Kau biar hidupku jadi melara
Sucikah cinta kau cemar janjinya
Bertarung aku dengan sengsara
Tak rela ku bersedih
Dihimpit duka
Berkaca hati merintih
Pecah tak ku duga
Ingin ku meluahkan
Segugus rindu
Kembalilah keindahan
Cahaya dihatiku
Ulang chorus
Oh...kasih terbayang kenangan lalu
Berjanji setia tak ingin berpisah
Berdua kan selamanya.....

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I like this sajak a lot...

Nukilan: Usman Awang

Melayu itu orang yang bijaksana
Nakalnya bersulam jenaka
Budi bahasanya tidak terkira
Kurang ajarnya tetap santun
Jika menipu pun masih bersopan
Bila mengampu bijak beralas tangan.

Melayu itu berani jika bersalah
Kecut takut kerana benar,
Janji simpan di perut
Selalu pecah di mulut,
Biar mati adat
Jangan mati anak.

Melayu di tanah Semenanjung luas maknanya:
Jawa itu Melayu, Bugis itu Melayu
Banjar juga disebut Melayu,
Minangkabau memang Melayu,
Keturunan Acheh adalah Melayu,
Jakun dan Sakai asli Melayu,
Arab dan Pakistani, semua Melayu
Mamak dan Malbari serap ke Melayu
Malah mua'alaf bertakrif Melayu
(Setelah disunat anunya itu)

Dalam sejarahnya
Melayu itu pengembara lautan
Melorongkan jalur sejarah zaman
Begitu luas daerah sempadan
Sayangnya kini segala kehilangan

Melayu itu kaya falsafahnya
Kias kata bidal pusaka
Akar budi bersulamkan daya
Gedung akal laut bicara

Malangnya Melayu itu kuat bersorak
Terlalu ghairah pesta temasya
Sedangkan kampung telah tergadai
Sawah sejalur tinggal sejengkal
tanah sebidang mudah terjual

Meski telah memiliki telaga
Tangan masih memegang tali
Sedang orang mencapai timba.
Berbuahlah pisang tiga kali
Melayu itu masih bermimpi

Walaupun sudah mengenal universiti
Masih berdagang di rumah sendiri.
Berkelahi cara Melayu
Menikam dengan pantun
Menyanggah dengan senyum
Marahnya dengan diam
Merendah bukan menyembah
Meninggi bukan melonjak.

Watak Melayu menolak permusuhan
Setia dan sabar tiada sempadan
Tapi jika marah tak nampak telinga
Musuh dicari ke lubang cacing
Tak dapat tanduk telinga dijinjing
Maruah dan agama dihina jangan
Hebat amuknya tak kenal lawan

Berdamai cara Melayu indah sekali
Silaturrahim hati yang murni
Maaf diungkap senantiasa bersahut
Tangan diulur sentiasa bersambut
Luka pun tidak lagi berparut

Baiknya hati Melayu itu tak terbandingkan
Segala yang ada sanggup diberikan
Sehingga tercipta sebuah kiasan:
"Dagang lalu nasi ditanakkan
Suami pulang lapar tak makan
Kera di hutan disusu-susukan
Anak di pangkuan mati kebuluran"

Bagaimanakah Melayu abad dua puluh satu
Masihkan tunduk tersipu-sipu?
Jangan takut melanggar pantang
Jika pantang menghalang kemajuan;
Jangan segan menentang larangan
Jika yakin kepada kebenaran;
Jangan malu mengucapkan keyakinan
Jika percaya kepada keadilan.

Jadilah bangsa yang bijaksana
Memegang tali memegang timba
Memiliki ekonomi mencipta budaya
Menjadi tuan di negara Merdeka "


something have made me upset today..make me think of my future..i am happy for...but there is this weird feeling sometime bothering me..trying to throw it away..away with the breeze..i am happy with what i have thankful..alhamdulillah

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Nothing's gonna..


If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong

Our dreams are young
And we both know they'll take us
Where we want to go

(Chorus 1)
Hold me now
Touch me now
I don't want to live without you

(Chorus 2)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
One thing you can be sure of
I'll never ask for more than your love

(Chorus 3)
Nothing's gonna change my love for you
You ought know by now how much I love you
The world may change my whole life through
But nothing's gonna change my love for you

If the road ahead is not so easy,
Our love will lead the way for us
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
So come with me and share the view
I'll help you see forever too

(Repeat Chorus 1)

(Repeat Chorus 2)

(Repeat Chorus 3)

(Repeat Chorus 2) (2X)

(Repeat Chorus 3)

(Repeat Chorus 2)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


i hate the fact that i'm the.....

i'm still searching...

why is it not coming?it has been a long time i'm waiting for it..why is it still not coming..where is it hiding? is it because of me? it's's it just my head thinking of that stupid thing? i don't know how to fix it..there is nothing to be fixed..there is something to be filled...something to be filled..

Saturday, February 2, 2008

it hurts...

it hurts so much.after so long why now..i couldn't sleep..what happens to me? this is crazy..not now's too hurt..

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mari bersamaku nyanyi lagu ini...

Ku Berlari (Firdaus)
Lyric:Haris Isa, Cat Farish & Akbar

Ku langkahkan kaki ini
Di hangat mentari pagi
Ku syukuri hari ini, aku masih berdiri

Dan aku tinggalkan masa kelabu
Dan lalu mulakan jalannya kerna-Mu

Semangat optimis diri jalan hari dengan pasti
Selama jantung berdetak, selama itupun

Takkan berhenti berlari wujudkan mimpi
Terus berlari agar hidup ini bererti

Terjatuh bangkit aku kembali
Susah payah aku tak peduli
Kerna hidup hanya sekali

Dengarkanlah teman seloka hiburan
Tak perlulah kita asyik nak berlawan
Kita semua kawan tak boleh berlawan
Kalau kita renggang kita ketinggalan

Bebaskan dirimu dari dibelenggu
Teruskan langkahmu ayuh kita maju
Mari bersamaku nyanyi lagu ini
Jangan difikirkan resah yang di hati

Semua itu hanya dimindamu
Tak perlu kau sangsi tak perlu kau ragu
Segala-galanya pastikan berlalu
Mentari kan muncul mendung kan berlalu

Suka duka perkara biasa
Kita pasti lalu bezanya pada waktu
Bila berlari kenalah berstrategi
Jangan ikut hati, ikut hati nanti mati
Biarlah terlambat atur jalan cermat
Pelan-pelan kayuh jgn sampai otak penat
Sentiasa bawa diri hati-hati hari-hari beri erti pada diri
Jangan berhenti kejar mimpi senyuman diberi tanpa semua benci menghantui hati
Biarkan saja, takdir semua nyata
Bersyukurlah masih lagi bernyawa

Dan aku tinggalkan masa kelabu
Takkan berhenti berlari wujudkan mimpi
Terus berlari agar hidup ini bererti

Takkan berhenti
Berlari wujudkan mimpi
Terus berlari
Agar hidup ini bererti

Takkan berhenti berlari wujudkan mimpi…

Coincidently, only today i found this is such a very motivating song.i've heard so many times before.i like the music so much.only today i noticed it has so meaningful lyric that can spice up my everyday i decided to put up on my blog so that i can sing along when i am listening to the song.

it's arousing your spiritual at difficult times. even at very pleasure times it can be a reminder for everyone. what a beautiful lyric.enjoy!!!Mar

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dinner and English..

I was cooking for my dinner when Aileen brought her new Malaysian Chinese friends along for dinner. They cooked steam boat. Invited me to join.unfortunately, they had pork in the boat. So i just ate my own delicious tomyam..huhhu..pity me..their food look so tempting make me want to do it one day.

Once we finished eating, then started talking, talking and talking again. Nice thing was, we talked about our beloved country Malaysia. Pity Aileen not understood anything what we were talking about. These two girls ,Theng and She Chuan are very nice. Theng is Third year Chemical Eng student and She Chuan is first year chemistry student. We talked quite a few serious issues happened in Malaysia including, economy,education, and language especially among Malays people which i am very agree with that.

I hate to admit that my english is very bad even after 4 years staying in England. I really hate it. I don't blame anyone. I blame myself!!! for being so stupid not trying very hard to improving my english to be in an acceptance level for a UK graduate. Not saying that my english is not improving, but is improved to a very little extend. What an ashamed of me!!!

To be optimistic, it's not too late yet. I still have time to improve myself not only to speak fluently but also have acceptance writing skills.

Yesss....i really have to prove that. All i need is just to have 100% confidence, not to have a dust of hesitation in head and have to practicing hardly day by day...



Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sadaf and Movie Night

Today,me and Aileen(my flatmate) have planned something to kill our free time before the new semester starts. We decided to have dinner outside which ended up to be in rusholme of course. where else. it was sadaf. me the one who insisted to go there as i was so craving for the shawarma rice. i like it so much. last time i had the shawarma during Aileen birthday on January 11.

We took magic bus from bbc headed up to rusholme. it costed me 80p one-way. I planned to take away another shawarma rice but thinking of financial problem i have now, i rather not to do so. plus still loads of food at home to be finished though. would be membazir also which is very bad.

After we finished eating, then we went to amc cinema to watch movie which was chosen by Aileen. She really wanted to watch new movie from her country China , 'Lust, Caution'. Actually, i don't really feel like watching that movie since its not from America, but considering Aileen who really insisted, I just followed her. We got problem to buy 2 for 1 tickets using the coupon Aileen got from her friend.We were not allowed to watch movies which just came out less than two weeks. So, we decided to buy The Kite Runner ticket instead. However, that was not a problem at all for us to watch the Lust, Caution. Just change the theater hall!!!

We thought we gonna watch another movie illegally once we finished that one. But, i was so tired that decided to go back earlier. We arrived home about 9pm by illegally commuting a tram headed toward Piccadilly station.

Quite a few illegal thingy i did today. Make me memorized my old days back in secondary school.Well, gonna talk about that later when i feel so.

pulut duyannn

i miss this cute little girl terribly...eating pulut with tok at the side and kakak is watching cartoon..never move from her favourite port even to eat..


sometimes you can't control things...and you burst out crying...



ermmm...why the features available less than i saw on most blogs..suddenly feel like writing new post again..hehehe..trying to get use to it...

Bismillah Ar-rahman Ar-rahim

My first scrabble on this blog. I am so so new to this stuff. Trying to find something to kill my free time while gain benefit for myself. Hopefully.

Kind of funny for me to write because I really hate writing but recently found blogging is quite an interesting hobby. Putting all favorite stuffs on it. Kind of interesting. Plus internet is an everlasting source such that you can keep browsing on it anywhere, anytime, and anything...